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Configuring SWC

SWC can be configured with an .swcrc file.


Compilation works out of the box with SWC and does not require customization. Optionally, you can override the configuration. Here are the defaults:

  "$schema": "",
  "jsc": {
    "parser": {
      "syntax": "ecmascript",
      "jsx": false,
      "dynamicImport": false,
      "privateMethod": false,
      "functionBind": false,
      "exportDefaultFrom": false,
      "exportNamespaceFrom": false,
      "decorators": false,
      "decoratorsBeforeExport": false,
      "topLevelAwait": false,
      "importMeta": false
    "transform": null,
    "target": "es5",
    "loose": false,
    "externalHelpers": false,
    // Requires v1.2.50 or upper and requires target to be es2016 or upper.
    "keepClassNames": false
  "minify": false

Read more about configuring compilation.

Supported Browsers

Starting with v1.1.10, you can now use browserslist to automatically configure supported browsers.


First, install browserslist. Then, update your .swcrc:

  "env": {
    "targets": {
      "chrome": "79"
    "mode": "entry",
    "coreJs": "3.22"

Read more about configuring supported browsers.


Read more about configuring modules.


Starting with v1.2.67, you can configure SWC to minify your code by enabling minify in your .swcrc file:

  "minify": true

Read more about configuring the JavaScript minifier.